I have visited Korea a couple of times before deciding to finally live here (indefinitely) in 2008. It has been 4 years now, and my, have things changed. Of course, back in the early 2000's, getting a nose job and double eye-lid surgery was the norm. However, these days, Korean women have taken it to beyond the next level. Plastic surgery seems to be like "crack" for Korean women. Once they start, they just can't seem to stop. I understand that it's unfair to be ugly, etc. And I don't mind people getting a little "enhancement" here and there. But if you look like a TOTALLY different person...then, you're just lying to yourself and everyone else. And that's just sad. Plus, what would your husband think, when you pop out an ugly baby?? Oh wait, guys don't really think that far. They're only thinking "Damn, she's hot."
I mean, there're so many amazing things you can do with make-up to transform yourself, why go under the knife, risking your life AND having side effects? What if you come out uglier? Not even just that, why get the "package A" and look like everyone else? Korean girls tend to get the same surgery from the same doctors. Case in point..(There's an advertisement for a plastic surgeon on the top right corner, do you see anything similar about these women? Haha, look at the confused guy in the back..)
I mean, God made us to be different and unique in our own ways, so why fuck with that? I wouldn't want to look like anybody else. And it's SOOO obvious too, I can tell if a girl got plastic surgery from a MILE away. The even more funny thing is that there's no shame in it. People walk around Kangnam and Apgu, like they're hot shit with their bandaged noses, pollution masks, and looking like they straight got punched in the face with their bloated and purple faces. Like this..
What's even more disturbing is that I heard these women think of it as a "privilege," like carrying around a Louis Vuitton purse (Like, "I can afford to have this surgery and you can't!") Ugh, disgusting. And I blame Korean society for this. This is the only country (correct me if I'm wrong) that require you to send a recent photograph with your resume. In the states, there would be a huge lawsuit against the company. You know what else? They also have an age limit (esp. for women), I think at 30 in order to apply for a job. So, if you're 30+, good luck getting a job in Korea. Unless, of course, you get one of these "package A" plastic surgeries and lie about your age, ㅋㅋㅋ.
The sad consequence of this new trend is that people are relying less on their inner beauty, and just going for the quick outer beauty fix. How will that affect our society in the long run? Well, soon enough everyone's going to start looking like clones (which has already started), and no one is going to have substance, personality, hard-work ethics. These girls think that they can get this surgery to look pretty, and this rich douche-bag knight in shining armor is going to sweep them off their feet. But what they fail to realize is that, there are thousands of girls with the same exact goal. So in the end, won't the guy end up looking for something more authentic and different? Just like how Asian models used to be sought after for having the "European look" before, but now the classic "Asian look" is more appreciated and sought after by the fashion industries. What people fail to realize is that trends die fast, but your body will be with you for at least 60 years from now, and beauty will eventually fade. The $$ spent on plastic surgery could have paid for grad school or self-improvement workshops to make you a better person from the inside and have people actually respect you instead of looking at you as a piece of mannequin meat off the Barbies R' Us shelf.
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